Oz Student Launches Campaign Against �Phubbing�
An Australian student has launched a campaign against phubbing, an all too common scenario where a person ignores his real life friends and people around him in a social gathering to concentrate on his smartphone.
The movement has been initiated by Alex Haigh, a 23-year old student from Melbourne, who revealed that he was informed about the phenomenon by a friend.
Terming the phenomenon as �outrightly rude and brazen', the movement encourages people to post pictures, videos and stories of phubbers in action in order to raise awareness of the habit.
"A group of friends and I were chatting when someone raised how annoying being ignored by people on mobiles was. It's the people who do it all the time that we are targeting. It's a paradox - you disconnect with those around you in favor of those pretty much anywhere else", Haigh said.
Source: Medindia