
Parkinson’s Unmet Needs Creates Path for New Entrants into the Market

by Dr. Jayashree Gopinath on May 30 2023 11:48 PM
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Addressing the unmet needs of Parkinson’s Disease by providing disease-modifying therapies could bring about a major shift in the way that patients are treated.

 Parkinson’s Unmet Needs Creates Path for New Entrants into the Market
The effectiveness of the Parkinsons disease drug levodopa declines with time and may raise complications in symptoms. This discontent creates a significant opportunity for new entrants into the Parkinson’s Disease market, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a complex, multi-system neurodegenerative disorder that affects movement control. Current treatments focus on the management of dopamine levels in the brain, with levodopa-based therapies remaining the standard of care in the PD market for the past half-century (1 Trusted Source
Levodopa in Parkinson’s Disease: Current Status and Future Developments

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In the early stages of the disease, motor symptoms are well managed by levodopa, but as the disease progresses, reliable dosing becomes more difficult. Levodopa is a particularly difficult compound due to limitations in its absorption combined with a short half-life.

Effective treatment for motor symptoms, including levodopa-induced dyskinesia, off-episodes, gait, and imbalance, remains an ongoing challenge in PD. In addition to the debilitating motor symptoms suffered by PD patients, an array of non-motor symptoms is also a recognized part of the disease progression.

Disease Modifying Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease: A New Avenue to Explore

Among the non-motor complications of PD, the most difficult to treat are PD psychosis and PD dementia, which are primarily seen in advanced-stage patients. Key opinion leaders (KOLs) stated that between 15% to 25% of PD patients report experiencing hallucinations or delusions, and 80% of patients with PD psychosis also have cognitive impairment.

Acadia’s Nuplazid marks the first and only medication approved for the treatment of PD psychosis in the US since 2016. However, Nuplazid is not very effective in managing the symptoms compared to other off-label antipsychotics. Besides that, it has a boxed warning for the potential for increased risk of death in elderly people with dementia, which limits its use (2 Trusted Source
Management of Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis

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The current medications used for the treatment of PD are limited to those providing symptomatic relief, leaving ample opportunities for new entrants into the PD market. The need for disease-modifying therapies is one of the highest unmet needs and was consistently highlighted.

Luckily, several pipeline drugs that are in late-stage development may help address these longstanding unmet needs. Sunovion’s ulotaront is investigated for the treatment of PD psychosis and Anavex’s blarcamesine is being studied for PD dementia.

Prothena/Roche’s prasinezumab and Annovis’s buntanetap are suggested to possess disease-modifying properties by targeting α-synuclein protein, and in turn, halting the disease progression. In addition, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, Novo Nordisk’s Victoza (liraglutide) and Neuraly’s NLY01 are suspected to offer neuroprotection.

Any new medication that can improve motor symptom control, target PD dementia, or PD psychosis could have a huge clinical impact (3 Trusted Source
Promising disease-modifying therapies for Parkinson’s disease

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). However, due to the availability of only symptomatic treatment options in the PD market, any late-stage pipeline agents would likely revolutionize the PD market if they demonstrated any neuroprotective or disease-modifying properties in the pivotal trial.

  1. Levodopa in Parkinson’s Disease: Current Status and Future Developments - (
  2. Management of Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis - (
  3. Promising disease-modifying therapies for Parkinson’s disease - (











