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Plasma Treatments Kill Coronavirus on Surfaces Rapidly

by Angela Mohan on November 10, 2020 at 10:04 PM

Plasma could hold potential in fighting the spread of COVID-19.

In Physics of Fluids, by AIP Publishing, modeling conducted in June showed strains of the novel coronavirus on surfaces were killed in 30 seconds of treatment with argon-fed, cold atmospheric plasma.

The researchers used an atmospheric pressure plasma jet they built with a 3D printer to spray surfaces like plastic, metal, cardboard, and basketball, football, and baseball leather that were treated with SARS-CoV-2 cultures.

‘Cold atmospheric plasma, that has proven effective in cancer treatments, wound healing, dentistry, and other medical applications, holds potential in killing coronavirus.’

The spray fed by argon killed all the coronavirus in less than three minutes. Author Richard E. Wirz said the findings show great potential for the use of plasma in halting the virus's transmission cycle.

"This is only the beginning," Wirz said. "We are very confident and have very high expectations for plasma in future work. In the future, a lot of answers for the scientific community will come from plasma."

Plasma can be created by heating a neutral gas or subjecting it to a strong electromagnetic field. Cold atmospheric plasma is an ionized, near-room-temperature gas that has proven effective in cancer treatments, wound healing, dentistry, and other medical applications.

The authors ran a similar test using helium-fed plasma, but the helium was not effective. Zhitong Chen said the authors are building a compact device that could be used widely to treat surfaces for the coronavirus with plasma. It is a safer, healthier option than chemicals or other treatments, he said.

"Everything we use comes from the air," he said. "Air and electricity: It's a very healthy treatment with no side effects."

The researchers hope the benefits of plasma, like those shown in this study, can be made available to people around the world.

Source: Medindia

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