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Poor Home Hygiene Linked to Antimicrobial Resistance

by Samhita Vitta on September 12, 2020 at 10:59 AM

Risk-based approach to home hygiene is essential to curb the growth threat of antibiotic resistance, according to public health experts from the Global Hygiene Council (GHC).

The study is published in the American Journal of Infection Control .

The rates of bacterial resistance to commonly used antibiotics are estimated to exceed 40-60% by 2030 in some countries. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) could claim 10 million lives by 2050 if no action is taken.

‘A risk-based approach to maintain home and community hygiene can play a significant role in preventing infections, reducing prescribed antibiotics and preventing person to person spread of the infection.’

GHC public health experts show that better hygiene in homes and everyday life plays a key role in tackling antibiotic resistance. Good hygiene can contribute to the fight against antimicrobial resistance in two ways:

A more focused approach to hygiene which is based on risk assessment is needed to minimize the spread of infections. For example, one can minimize the spread of infections from person to person by washing their hands and surfaces before preparing food or using the toilet.

A previous study has shown that improved hand hygiene in children in a day center can reduce the need for antibiotic use for common respiratory functions by 30%.

It is essential to maintain hygiene in high-risk places where harmful microbes are most likely to spread at home instead of deep cleaning the home. This could help contain the spread of coronavirus as well as tackle antimicrobial resistance.

GHC has launched a manifesto calling upon national and international policymakers, healthcare professionals, and health agencies to further recognize the importance of hygiene in the home and everyday life settings and acknowledge the following:

The global community needs to collaborate and recognize the benefits of home and community hygiene in reducing antimicrobial resistance.

Source: Medindia

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