Porn Supply for IVF on the NHS Criticized
A think-tank called has slammed the NHS for supplying porn to couples opting for IVF.
A think-tank called has slammed the NHS for supplying porn to couples opting for IVF.
A survey found that of the 93 NHS trusts that provide fertility services, 33 offer porn in the clinics. The survey also revealed that 15 trusts got the porn material as donations, but the remaining 18 trusts paid for the porn supplied in the form of DVD's and magazines.
"We know of no government authorisation that sanctioned this, or any exception to any NHS trust's employment terms that allow staff to have pornographic material at work," said Julia Manning, the report's author and the director of the think tank.
The organization said that the NHS pays �700 a year on porn material. This cost did not include the viewing equipment. The survey also found that the Royal Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust shelled out �7,350 on a media suite to view DVDs in the clinic.
All trusts that provided porn used magazines, while six of them had DVDs as well.
Source: Medindia