Social pressure to be perfect, i.e., achieve high grades, be popular and beautiful, and participate in extra-curricular activities, can cause mental health issues in teenage girls.

‘Social pressures such as achieve high grades, be good, participate in extra-curricular activities, and be popular and beautiful, were high among teenage girls.’

Pressure to achieve high grades, be popular and beautiful, and participate in extra-curricular activities can lead to mental health issues.

This is more common when girls are fearful about the future, face pressures at home and encounter a competitive culture in schools.
A team of researchers from the University of Exeter, Dr Lauren Stentiford, Dr George Koutsouris and Dr Alexandra Allan, reviewed existing research into girls’ mental health emerging from peer-reviewed qualitative literature between 1990 and 2021. They found 11 studies from around the world.
Evidence suggests that older teenage girls are at greater risk of developing mental health difficulties than boys, and the located studies indicated that mental health issues were likely in some way related to the pressures to obtain high grades at school.
Social pressures for girls to be “good” students, “well-rounded” and high achievers, had an impact on how teachers, families and pupils understand achievement, and pressures.
“We found much anxiety around achievement was grounded in fears for the future – and more specifically, the need to have a ‘good’ future and be ‘happy’. This included getting into a ‘good’ university and securing a high status job with good pay. Girls felt that if they did not achieve high grades at school and be able to fulfil these goals, they would have ‘failed’ and would be unhappy.
“Some girls from ethnic minority backgrounds appeared to feel a heavy sense of responsibility to do well at school to reward their parents for the sacrifices they had made – such as moving country to access a ‘good’ education system.
“It was when pressures to achieve academically were felt in the extreme and were ‘imbalanced’ that anxiety and mental health difficulties could be experienced – ranging from relatively mild and self-manageable symptoms, to clinically diagnosable conditions. Factors which helped achieve a balance were eating and sleeping well, socializing, and keeping a level perspective.
“The sense of competition among girls to live up to each other’s achievements also contributed, especially in all-girls’ schools.”
Research showed how competition was embedded in the culture of schools, including through teacher expectations, in institutionalized ‘performance’ regimes, and in girls’ often fierce desire to outdo their peers.