Raisins provide protective benefits against dental cavities, says study.

Raisins also have potential to reduce risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Based on a comprehensive review of nearly 80 studies, researchers found that raisin consumption may reduce the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease, contribute to improved blood glucose control for diabetic individuals, and be useful for weight loss and weight management.
Consumption of grape products is also associated with better eating habits.
An analysis of National Health Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003 to 2008 data was conducted to compare grape consumers with nongrape consumers among children and adults.
The results showed that both children and adults that consumed grape products (fresh grapes, raisins, 100 percent grape juice), had higher total intake of other fruits, dark green/orange vegetables, and key nutrients like fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and potassium than those who did not consume grape products.
The findings are published in the Journal of Food Science.