
Red Algae Works Wonders For Your Skin

by Hannah Joy on May 31 2017 3:02 PM

Red Algae is used as a source of food substances and for treating medical conditions and is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Red Algae Works Wonders For Your Skin
Red algae is full of energy and life, that is rich in minerals, nutrients, and vitamin C, and has survived the bracing waters of the ice-cold North Atlantic for millions of years. //
Red algae extracts are used for achieving multiple dimensions of brighter, healthy-looking skin. Its extracts are known for its brightening, anti-dark spot correction benefits and Vitamin C richness.

According to Shikhee Agrawal, head training, The Body Shop, dark spots and skin pigmentation are caused by the production of melanin. Melanin is a pigment naturally produced in our bodies that rises to the surface of our skin with exposure to the sun.

Over time melanocytes, the cells which produce melanin begin to work less effectively, causing the chemical to build up in certain areas on our skin. This result into a lack of luminosity, dullness and unevenness - pigmentation impacts your overall look.

Skin care products with Red algae extracts help combat this issue. Red Algae enriched products can be used for all skin types except super sensitive skin. It does not have any side effects on skin. On a regular use, skin appears smoother, healthier and translucent with an even tone.

In-vitro studies have shown that red algae extract has a brightening and anti-dark spots action by inhibiting key stages of the pigmentation process and even after melanin has been produced. Today The Body Shop has harnessed the power of this plant for their Pure Healthy Brightening Drops of Light skincare range.

Red Algae extract is proven to:

  • Limit the process of melanin production by inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase, a key enzyme involved in melanin production
  • Limit the transport and accumulation of melanosomes to prevent dark spots from appearing on the surface of the skin
  • Limit pigmentation induced by uv exposure Now-a-days, there are also several red algae supplements available for complex health treatments

The red slimy gunk which ranges in size from cell size to big ones, has tons of potential benefits for the skin. There are also diversified studies that indicate that algae have tremendous cosmetic benefits. Algae can stabilize minerals that aid in skin moisturisation.

Red Algae has been used for millions of years as a source of food substances and for treating medical conditions. It is high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are easily utilized by your body. Red algae is usually highly recommended and is quite easy to incorporate into one's lifestyle by indulging into cosmetic products having red algae as a massive key ingredient.

Red algae take the spotlight in the moisturizing and toning cream for eye and lip area. This core ingredient existing in a certain cosmetic product, when applied or put into use can perform wonders for the skin. This munificent ingredient deeply helps to ease the fine lines, puffiness, and dark circles around the eyes.

Valuable-certified red algae provide hydrating, nourishing, and antioxidant properties when used through specified special cosmetics or for skin treatments.












