Resurgence of Deadly Diseases Takes England Back to the Victorian Era
Is England dating back to the Victorian era? There has been a recent resurgence of diseases like scarlet fever, cholera, measles, scurvy, tuberculosis and whooping cough in England.
These diseases were first discovered in the world during the Victorian Era, but they have returned in a big way again in England. The national health service has reported that the number of people being treated for scarlet fever has increased by 136 percent, scurvy by 38 percent, and cholera by 300 percent in five years.
‘Britain is facing an upsurge in the number of cases of tuberculosis, cholera, scurvy, whooping cough and measles.’
Health experts claim several reasons behind the recurrence of these diseases in the country. Malnutrition, lack of vaccination and lack of access to health care are reported to be the main cause of this resurgence.
People being hospitalized due to malnutrition is increasing in the recent years. But malnutrition can be easily controlled and the rates have to be decreased. Youngsters letting elderly to take care on their own is attributed to the growing number of older adults getting hospitalized due to malnutrition.
Many parents are growing against vaccination as they have a stigma on its side effects. Though the chance of its effects is less, people are going against it and not vaccinating their children. This has led to lower vaccination rates in the country.
Tuberculosis has claimed around 1.5 million people and 9 million cases of TB were reported worldwide. The main reason for its soaring rates is due to the lack of proper access to healthcare and treatment measures.
Source: Medindia