Risk of Nasal MRSA Reduced by Hot Coffee and Tea
Hot coffee or tea can reduce the risk of a person suffering from nasal MRSA, a new study published in the Annals of Family Medicine reveals.
Hot coffee or tea can reduce the risk of a person suffering from nasal MRSA, a new study published in the Annals of Family Medicine reveals.
According to the study, conducted by researchers from the Medical University of South Carolina, tea or coffee has anti-microbial properties that reduce the risk of carrying the MRSA bugs inside the nasal passage.
The researchers analyzed over 5,500 people over two years of age and found that the risk of nasal MRSA was reduced by 50 percent among those who regularly drank tea or coffee while drinking both reduced the risk by 67 percent.
"Our findings raise the possibility of a promising new method to decrease MRSA nasal carriage that is safe, inexpensive and easily accessible", the researchers wrote in their report.
Source: Medindia