Women are more inclined towards men who are calm and collected, and now scientists have explained the biology behind the phenomenon.

Persistently high levels of cortisol can suppress not just the immune system, but also reproductive function.
Thus, it would make sense if women preferred men with low cortisol levels-that is, those who are not stressed out, reports english.news.cn.
For the study, the researchers recruited 39 healthy young male students from the same university and measured their cortisol and testosterone levels, and then had 42 straight female students from a different university rate photos of these men for attractiveness, masculinity and health.
Men with low cortisol levels were often rated as more attractive than guys with high cortisol levels.
Testosterone levels were not significantly linked with attractiveness, masculinity or health.
This enabled the scientists to see what effects female hormones and fertility might have on perceptions of male desirability.
"We speculate, then, that males with low cortisol possess something desirable that women seek to secure for their offspring. This could be, for example, good health or a healthy response to stress," said one of the researchers Fhionna Moore.
The findings will be published online in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.