Everyone takes pleasure in something or the other. Scientists have now found that there is a reason behind the art of enjoying life.

He said that to explain why people enjoy what they enjoy is very complicated.
Bloom explained that it appears that people just taste food, they taste wine, and they respond to their visceral sensations however, he asserted that it is surprisingly deep.
He said that people's pleasure is a response that is not just to the physical makeup of something but rather to their beliefs of what it really is, and what its real essence is.
Bloom also talked about a famous experiment done by scientists at Stanford and Cal Tech with wine drinkers, where half people were told that they were drinking cheap wine, but the other half were told that they were drinking wine that was out of 100-150-dollar-bottle.
He said that the people who were told that they were drinking wine from an expansive bottle, said that it tasted better. It turned out that if people think that they are consuming expensive wine, parts of the brain that is linked to pleasure and reward light up.