Sea Snail Pops Out of a Knee Injury
Paul, a 4-year-old boy, from Orange County, could not believe his eyes when a sea snail popped out of his injured knee.
Initially his parents disbelieved him, but later they realized that Paul was not lying.
Paul's parents recalled that during a camping trip the family had taken a walk along the beach. Paul was all jumpy and tripped over a rock in his path which resulted in a knee injury. A snail's egg may have made its way into the wound.
Paul's father said that the wound was later cleaned and an antibiotic ointment was applied on it. Surprisingly, the wound stayed the same way for three weeks and later looked like a huge ball of puss. They were absolutely shocked when a snail jumped out after they squeezed the puss ball.
Unfortunately, the snail did not survive after it came out of Paul's knee.
Source: Medindia