Senator Thad Cochran has the right to demand accountability from the administration about health care exchanges.

“The American people deserve accurate information on how the Affordable Care Act, with is all its mandates, regulations and taxes, is affecting the health insurance market and, importantly, their own medical care and budgets,” Cochran said. “The administration’s reports thus far have proven less than credible, which only serves to deepen distrust in the administration. The Senate should take up and pass this legislation as soon as possible.”
The Exchange Information Disclosure Act would need the administration to provide Congress, states and the public with weekly reports of accurate and detailed data related to the utilization of the 36 federally-run health insurance exchanges, including the federally-run exchange in Mississippi.
Cochran has criticized the enrollment numbers from day one and he said there was a marked lack of information regarding how many people actually lost their insurance because of the Affordable Care Act. He was also concerned about how many people actually paid premiums for the policy they had enrolled under.
Cochran is the author of the Health Insurance Accountability Act.
Senator Thad Cochran, January 2014