Severe Psychological Stress Lowers One's Ability to Bear Physical Pain
High amount of psychological stress has harmful effect on the body's ability to modulate physical pain, according to a study conducted by American Friends of Tel Aviv University (TAU).
Researchers examined a group of healthy young male adults and observed that although pain tolerance seemed unaffected by stress, there was a significant increase in pain intensification and a decrease in pain inhibition capabilities.
Prof. Ruth Defrin of Physical Therapy at TAU's said, "The type of stress and magnitude of its appraisal actually determines its interaction with the pain system, so if the perceived stress was high, the pain modulation capabilities would be more dysfunctional. Previous studies have always suggested that chronic stress was far more damaging than acute stress, as it not only dysfunctions pain modulation capabilities but also leads to chronic pain and systemic illness."
researcher Defrin concluded and advised to do everything in a controlled power and adopt relaxation and stress reduction techniques as well as therapies to reduce the amount of stress in life.
The study has been published in the journal PAIN.
Source: Medindia