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Shedding Childhood Flab Might Help Ward Off Obesity Risks in Later Life

People who were overweight in their childhood but managed to lose weight later on may avoid the health risks associated with obesity

by Kathy Jones on November 17, 2011 at 8:30 PM

People who were overweight in their childhood but managed to lose weight later on may avoid the health risks associated with obesity, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Researchers led by Dr Markus Juonala from the University of Turku analyzed data from four different studies that involved more than 6,300 adults and children from United States, Finland and Australia.

The researchers found that while overweight kids are at a high risk of developing health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems, reducing weight may lower the risk to those adults who were not obese in the first place.

Dr Juonala was quick to point out that while the risks may remain high due to other factors, the risk due to obesity does get reduced among those who lose excess weight. "If they manage to become non-obese adults, then the risks of these outcomes, diabetes, hypertension, early atherosclerosis, are quite similar to those who have been normal weight all their lives. I think that's quite a positive message", he said.

Source: Medindia

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