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Medindia » Medical Gadgets

ShoulderFlex Massager Under FDA Scanner

by Kathy Jones on August 27, 2011 at 7:41 PM

A shoulder massaging machine has come under the scanner after the Food and Drug Administration revealed that it had caused the death of at least one person while almost strangling another.

The FDA revealed that the incidents had been caused after necklace and a piece of clothing became tangled in the device that rotates when the massager is switched on.

The health agency added that there have been other incidents involving clothing and hair.

Nearly 12,000 units of the ShoulderFlex Massager has been sold by its US distributor King International since it was launched in 2003. The FDA recommended that the users dispose off the machine and added that the disposal be done in separate components so that it cannot be assembled and used again.

Source: Medindia

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