Sleep Disorders can be Treated
Getting enough sleep is essential for a healthy lifestyle and lack of sleep can have a detrimental effect on one's health, work and life.
Getting enough sleep is essential for a healthy lifestyle and lack of sleep can have a detrimental effect on one's health, work and life. Many people are unaware that most sleep disorders are preventable or treatable. Patients approach a doctor for help only as a last resort, after most of the damage is already done. Less than a 1/3 of sufferers seek professional help.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, the most common categories of sleep disorders include insomnia, parasomnias (sleepwalking, night terrors, night eating), REM sleep disorders, narcolepsy, sleep deprivation and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
OSA is the most common form of sleep disorder. Every 1 in 15 suffers from OSA. More than 2/3 cases of sleep apnea go undiagnosed.
Loss of quality sleep can lead to severe health problems like hypertension, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. They can also lead to day time drowsiness, lack of attention, decreased work and academic productivity, and even motor vehicle accidents. Therefore, people suffering from sleep disorders must seek professional help.
Source: Medindia