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Smartphones Outshine Dumbphones

by Sheela Philomena on April 30, 2013 at 10:04 AM

Smartphone sales have gone up and over shadowed the feature phones (dumbphones) during the last quarter worldwide, finds study.

According to the International Data Corp., smartphone vendors shipped 216.2 million units in the first quarter of 2013, which accounted for 51.6 percent of the worldwide mobile phone market.

This shows a 41.6 percent increase over the number of smartphones shipped a year earlier, 152.7 million in the first quarter of 2012, ABC News reports.

The new age phone users yearn for computers in their pockets. The primary feature of cell phones to make calls and send text messages are taking a back seat, said

Kevin Restivo, a senior research analyst with IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, said that new generation wants a computer in their pockets. The days where phones are used primarily to make phone calls and send text messages are quickly fading away.

Richard Doherty, research director for Envisioneering market research group, said that the rise in numbers could also be attributed to many mobile phone operators simply wanting more smartphones.

The decline in the sales of mobile phones is simply the desire for a smart phone, Doherty added.

Data from the IDC report showed Samsung as being the world's leading mobile phone maker with 115 million phones sold last quarter, 70.7 million of which were smartphones.

Apple is shown as the third largest phone maker and second largest smartphone maker, with 37.4 million smartphones sold, the report added.

Source: ANI

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