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South Korea to Potentially Downgrade COVID-19 on Par With Seasonal Flu

by Colleen Fleiss on August 20, 2023 at 6:45 PM
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South Korea is expected to reduce COVID-19 restrictions to the lowest level, akin to the seasonal flu, as part of its efforts to remove all anti-virus measures and restore pre-pandemic conditions.

If the level is lowered to Class 4, or the lowest level, the virus will be on par with the seasonal flu, Yonhap News Agency reported ().

COVID-19 Infection In South Korea

Health authorities plan to hold a meeting on Monday, and they are expected to announce the planned downgrade of the COVID-19 infection level on Wednesday, officials said.

‘At present, South Korea classifies the infection level of COVID-19 as Class 2, similar to the classification for chickenpox or measles. #COVID-19 #COVIDInKorea #Coronavirus’

But the exact timing of when the adjustments would take effect could change depending on what the government and experts decide to do in terms of protection of high-risk patients and medical support for infected patients, officials said.


  1. A Timeline of South Korea's Response to COVID-19 - (
Source: IANS

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