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Study: Breastfeeding Moms Considered Less Competent Than Other Women

Mothers who breastfeed are viewed as less competent than other women, says a new study.

by Kathy Jones on April 17, 2011 at 12:42 PM

Mothers who breastfeed are viewed as less competent than other women, says a new study.

Researchers conducted three varying double blind studies to determine the views of others towards breastfeeding moms.

In one study participants were asked to measure the competence, math competence and likelihood that they would hire a breastfeeding mom as opposed to other groups, such as women, and moms in general.

In all three studies, the results showed the breastfeeding woman was rated significantly less competent in general, in math and work specifically, and was less likely to be hired compared to others.

"What's surprising is that the results from the study showed that the breastfeeding mother was excluded from a potential job opportunity," said lead author Jessi L. Smith of Montana State University.

SAGE published the study.

Source: ANI

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