Bouldering is an intensive physical activity, which can be used to fight depression.

‘Bouldering is for people of all levels of physical conditions and it brings people together as a single activity. This activity can be perceived as a social tool to make people interact with each other.’

Because many people who are depressed deal with isolation, bouldering as a treatment could bolster physical activity and be used as a social tool allowing people to interact with one another, Stelzer said.

"Bouldering not only has strong mental components, but it is accessible at different levels so that people of all levels of physical health are able to participate," she added.
In the study, more than 100 individuals participated in a bouldering intervention in Germany.
The participants were randomly split into two groups. One immediately began the intervention, while the other group had to wait to start bouldering.
Each participant bouldered for three hours a week, for eight weeks.
The findings are scheduled to be presented at the 29th annual Association for Psychological Science Convention, being held from May 25-28 in Boston, Massachusetts.
"Since rumination is one of the biggest problems for depressed individuals, we had the idea that bouldering could be a good intervention for that," Luttenberger added.
Given the positive results, the team believes that bouldering may be used to complement traditional care for clinical depression.