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Survey Finds 1 in 5 Young Brits Unemployed

by Sheela Philomena on November 28, 2011 at 3:17 PM

One in five Britons in now a NEET - not in employment, education or training, finds a government survey.

Their numbers have passed one million for the first time since comparable records began 19 years ago.

Figures showed that more than a fifth of 18 to 24-year-olds are now a NEET.

This figure of 1,013,000 is an increase of 129,000 on the same time last year, the Daily Mail reported.

In addition, one in seven 16 to 18-year-olds, some 267,000, is also on the dole.

Overall, the number of unemployed in Britain has risen to 2.62 million, leading experts to warn about a 'lost generation' of youth.

They blamed it on the tough job market and restricted access to education caused by budget cuts.

Source: ANI

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