Here are some clever apps that would help users conquer task-avoidance or procrastination.

According to PC World, users can also lock a task to guarantee the weird alerts till they finish it or delete it and the app only keeps shut when a user postpones a task or deletes it altogether.
Procraster app brings in the age-old formula of instant gratification for every task accomplished as it uses prompts and short-term rewards, like Coffee, Check Facebook, etc., to help the user tackle projects one task at a time. It is priced at 0.99 dollars.
The (10+2)x5 Procrastination Hack app is based on the Merlin Mann's technique, making users to work with "single-minded focus" for 10 minutes, then take a two-minute break to do whatever they want, surf the Web, call a friend, and repeat the process five times for a total of 60 minutes. Cost- 1.99 dollars.
The free Android AppDetox app helps users reign in their mobile app usage by enforcing blockage rules for individual apps and users can set the detox terms like restricting the number of launches, block an app during specific times of day or days of the week, or, for the hopelessly weak-willed, forbid access "forever."
Other apps include Beat Procrastination for iOS, Windows Phone and Android, priced at 2.99 dollars that aims to change one's unconscious attitudes about putting things off, while Avoiding Procrastination 101 app offers tips for every area of one's life.