Teacher Donates Kidney to Save Student's Life
A 53-year old teacher gave the ultimate help to his student; saving her life by donating one of his kidneys.
Alya Ahmed Ali, 13, had been diagnosed with hydrocephalus, a condition that resulted in renal failure and severe learning difficulties. When her mother called up the Royal Docks Community School in Custom House, east London, to inform that Alya would be absent from school as she had to receive kidney dialysis, her teacher Ray Coe asked whether he could do anything to help her and signed up as a potential donor.
Despite not being related to the family, Coe was found to be a perfect match for Alya and the teacher and the student underwent the transplantation surgery London's Great Ormond Street Hospital. Both Alya and Coe are recovering well at the hospital and will be returning back to school after the Easter break.
"I knew what being a donor meant and I knew there was a possibility it could go ahead and I knew the implications. When we told Alya, she just gave me a big squeeze and her face lit up. It brings tears to my eyes whenever I think of that", Coe said.
Source: Medindia