A 14-year old boy from Bihar is suffering from a rare genetic disorder that has left him with a body of a 110-year old man.

However unlike films, real life Progeria patients have a tougher life to lead and Ali Hussain Khan has seen five of his siblings die due to the condition. Ali Hussain’s body is aging eight times faster than normal and had to deal with daily taunts from his schoolmates before he stopped going to school.
His father, Nabi, currently earns just 2,000 per month and has been forced to take the help of a Kolkata-based charity called SB Devi Charity to meet his son’s medical expenses. Progeria is a rare genetic condition which causes the victim’s body to age eight times faster and children who are born with the condition do not live beyond their mid teens and early twenties. There are just 80 known sufferers of the condition around the world and there is no treatment that can reverse the process of aging.