Teenage Girls Using Facebook for Love and Sex
Facebook is quickly becoming a favored destination for a number of lonely teenage girls who are searching for "cyber love" with many of them becoming pregnant after meeting up with men found through the social networking site.
One of them is 20-year-old Qila, who claimed she had slept with 30 men whom she befriended through Facebook, reports The Star.
"I use Facebook to find friends, especially men. I don't have many female friends because I hate their inquisitive behaviour. While my friends were busy studying for SPM, I was busy enjoying life with my boyfriends," said Qila.
Qila said she got bored quick and changed boyfriends often, sometimes different men on the same day.
Qila, who is now pregnant, had also been experimenting with alcohol, drugs and cigarettes since the age of 17.
She finally admitted she was doing drugs when her family threatened to send her for a blood test. She eventually agreed to undergo rehabilitation and turn over a new leaf.
Source: ANI