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Teens' Fun Seeking Predicts Both Risk-Taking and Helping Behavior

by Adeline Dorcas on August 27, 2019 at 2:59 PM

Adolescents' fun seeking can easily predict both risk taking and prosocial behavior ( an action intended to help others), reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in Child Development journal.

Research shows that risk-taking behaviors, such as binge drinking, may increase throughout adolescence. At the same time, so can prosocial behaviors (behaviors that involve doing good to benefit others). A new longitudinal study from the Netherlands sought to determine if these behaviors are related and whether certain brain regions can predict them. The study found that the two behaviors may be related and that both behaviors may be motivated by teenagers' efforts to have fun.

‘Adolescents' fun seeking predicts both risk-taking such as binge drinking, and prosocial behavior (a voluntary behavior intended to benefit others).’

The study was conducted by researchers at Leiden University and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. It is published in Child Development, a journal of the Society for Research in Child Development.

"We sought to test the pathways that support adolescents' development of rebellious and helpful behaviors," explains Neeltje E. Blankenstein, a postdoctoral researcher at Leiden University, who was first author of the study. "Because adolescence is often associated with negative stereotypes, our findings provide a more nuanced view on adolescent development by focusing on the relation between risk taking and prosocial behavior."

Researchers examined 210 youth who were part of the Braintime study, longitudinal research conducted in the Netherlands in 2011, 2013, and 2015. The participants were ages 8 to 25 years at the start of the study, ages 10 to 27 when they were surveyed the second time, and ages 12 to 29 when they were surveyed the last time. Participants completed questionnaires each time they were surveyed, reporting on how often they engaged in rebellious and prosocial behaviors. They also reported on their tendency to seek out fun or rewarding activities, and their social skills--specifically, empathy and social perspective taking, which the authors define as the ability to understand others' viewpoints (e.g., understanding both sides when two peers disagree).

Each time they were surveyed, the participants had a magnetic resonance imaging scan to measure the maturation of two brain regions--the nucleus accumbens and the medial prefrontal cortex--to determine whether these areas, which are important for risk taking and prosocial behavior, predicted the behaviors. The final time they were surveyed, participants reported on their rebellious or risk-taking behaviors, such as getting drunk and smoking, and on their prosocial behaviors, such as helping and comforting others.

The research team found that:

The study also found that:

Among the study's limitations, the authors acknowledge, are that their questionnaires measured only behaviors of interest to the study and did not look at risk taking and prosocial behavior in the lab or in real life. They recommend that follow-up studies test a wider range of rebellious and helpful behaviors and include experiments in the lab. In addition, because the questionnaires relied on self-reports, the authors say they may be biased by social desirability, that is, by participants answering in ways they thought would make them look better.

"Our study suggests that fun seeking may be a trait that leads to diverse aspects of adolescent development, and that adolescence is a time of both vulnerabilities--seen in risk taking--and opportunities--seen in helping behaviors," according to Eva H. Telzer, associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, who co-led the study. "It also suggests that risk taking may serve positive goals, for instance, when adolescents take risks to help others."

Source: Eurekalert

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