
Traditional Medicinal Plant Relieves Malaria Symptoms

by Dr. Jayashree Gopinath on Dec 21 2021 10:06 PM

Researchers found that an active ingredient in the traditional plant, Ranunculus multifidus can be used to treat malaria in mice.

 Traditional Medicinal Plant Relieves Malaria Symptoms
The active plant ingredient anemonin could provide a new approach in the treatment of malaria. It was identified by researchers from Ethiopia and Germany in a buttercup that is traditionally used in some African countries as a medicinal plant to treat malaria.
Extracts from the plant significantly alleviated the symptoms of infected mice, as the team from Arba Minch University (AMU), Addis Ababa University (AAU), and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) reported in the journal Molecules.

A tea made from the leaves of the Ranunculus multifidus, a member of the buttercup family, is used in some parts of Africa to treat malaria.

"So far it was not known which ingredients the plant has and which of them might have a healing effect," says Professor Kaleab Asres from AAU, who had been aware of the use of the plant and initiated the study.

The pharmacists produced extracts from the plant leaves and tested their effectiveness on mice. Researchers infected the animals with the Plasmodium berghei parasite, which causes malaria in certain rodents including mice.

Some of the mice received chloroquine, an established and effective drug for treating malaria. Others were given different doses of the plant extract. The experiments were carried out per internationally recognized guidelines for the keeping and care of laboratory animals.

The results showed that the extracts did not work as well as chloroquine but had a positive effect on the course of the disease.

Researchers found the active ingredient anemonin in the plant extracts. Ranunculus multifidus does not contain it. Anemonin is formed when the plant is crushed and the inside of its cells comes into contact with air.

Like chloroquine, anemonin also affects the parasite’s metabolism at a different location. That would be good news because plasmodia have developed resistance to chloroquine in some areas of East and West Africa.

However, this requires several further studies to decipher the exact mechanism of action and to increase its effectiveness. If these tests are successful, clinical studies will follow over several years to confirm its effectiveness in patients.












