NakedOffice, a new website provides opportunity to unhappy workers to anonymously review about their employers and providing behind-the-scene glimpse of the inner workings of Australian companies.

"'Long-standing problems go unrecognised and unresolved by management, even when there are obvious simple solutions. While there are supposedly avenues for staff to offer feedback and suggestions, they are purposely designed to be impractical and difficult to engage, and the administration in Sydney makes its contempt for the plebs abundantly clear," the worker wrote.
Another review, of Freehills law firm, claimed it was the "'single worst place I've ever worked".
"They only care about profits and keeping their clients happy ... to make more profits. Hideously long hours, poor workplace culture and no room for advancement unless you're a lawyer who likes to bill at least 14 hours a day, seven days a week," the review said.
Chris Holmes, co-founder of NakedOffice, defended the reliability of the reviews.
"'You have to take it in good faith. If someone had a good experience with a company you'd hope they'd leave a review and vice versa. If they've had a bad experience then they are going to let people know about it," Holmes said.
The site lists about 3000 Australian businesses, but only 180 reviews have been posted, and proving their authenticity is difficult.