Why, in these dire times, are companies in Wisconsin profiting from an on-going, obscure federal health program?

More than 200 sponsors of health care insurance plans in the state have been approved for funding, and 74 have already received $67.6 million through the Early Retirement Reinsurance Program. Among the largest recipients are the Wisconsin Education Association Insurance Trust, $18.1 million; the Wisconsin Retirement System, $14.2 million; Milwaukee County, $2.5 million; Harley-Davidson Motor Co. Group, $1.9 million; and Operating Engineers Local 169, $1.2 million.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) set aside $5 billion for the program, but it has attracted such huge interest the department stopped accepting applications in May after having spent about half its funds in less than a year.
Some Republicans and conservative health care analysts have branded the program as a "slush fund" for corporations that don't need the subsidy. They say the government should not be handing out unneeded subsidies at a time when the nation is $14.3 trillion in debt.