Ophthalmologists use of Electronic health records (EHRs) has increased. But, has no effect on their productivity; and EHR systems need to be improved.

‘Electronic health records (EHRs) had no effect on the cost and productivity. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the efficiency and usability of EHR systems.’

Around 348 U.S. ophthalmologists surveyed between 2015-2016.

The proportion of ophthalmologists adopting EHRs and their perceptions of clinical productivity measured as the number of patients seen each day.
This is a cross-sectional study in which the exposure (EHRs) and outcomes (perceptions of finances and clinical productivity) were measured at the same time and the association between the two was assessed.
The authors were Michele C. Lim, M.D., University of California, Davis, and coauthors.
The results show that EHR adoption among U.S. ophthalmologists has more than doubled since 2011 to 72 percent; ophthalmologists' perceptions are more negative about the effect of EHRs on practice costs and productivity.
The research team concluded saying that negative perceptions of EHRs suggest more attention should be paid to improving the efficiency and usability of EHR systems.