Vegetarian Diet can Meet All Nutritional Requirements
Eating a vegetarian diet without any meat can meet all the nutritional requirements of adults and children and such a diet provides more health benefits compared to risks, a new study revealed.
Vegetarian diet has often been viewed as an inferior diet as it is may not provide all the nutritional requirements compared to those who eat meat.
However a new study published in the Medical Journal of Australia found that people who opted for a vegetarian diet continued to receive adequate levels of protein, iron and zinc.
Nutritionist Rosemary Stanton, who has written an editorial accompanying the study in the journal, said that the health benefits gained by following a vegetarian diet far outweighed any risks. "The evidence is quite good that people who follow a vegetarian diet are likely to have less heart disease, less colorectal cancer, less type-2 diabetes and they're less likely to be obese", she said.
Source: Medindia