Walking Improves The Quality Life Of Dialysis Patients
Exercises for patients who are undergoing dialysis have been recognised, that are simple and can be easily performed at home (like walking) made a great impact on the quality life of the dialysis patients, says a new study published in Journal of American Society of Nephrology (JASN).
The study included 296 dialysis patients. The team randomized normal physical activity or a low intensity exercise program for 20 minutes of walking at low-moderate speed every second day--of gradually increasing intensity over 6 months.
‘Simple, home-based exercise like walking for 20 minutes a day improves physical and cognitive functioning in dialysis patients.’
After 6 months, the distance covered during a 6-minute walking test improved in the exercise group (average distance: baseline 328 m; 6 months 367 m) but not in the control group (baseline 321 m; 6 months 324 m).
Similarly, the 5 times sit-to-stand test time improved in the exercise group (average time: baseline 20.5 seconds; 6 months 18.2 seconds) but not in the control group (baseline 20.9 seconds; 6 months 20.2 seconds).
Cognitive function and quality of scores improved significantly in the exercised arm compared with the control arm.
"Poor physical functioning is perhaps the most pervasive and disabling disturbance in patients with advanced kidney disease who are on chronic dialysis," said Zoccali, the lead researcher.
Adding, "While the effect of regular physical exercise training on physical performance in selected dialysis patients studied in standardized experimental settings in the laboratory is well documented, how exercise training should be articulated and implemented still remains an open problem.
Source: ANI