Communication is the key in relationships. The best way to elevate your relationship is to be genuinely nice to your partner and letting him know the little things which can make him feel good.

‘Use the 3 magical words - 'I love you'. When you say it, make sure you mean it from your heart. This will make a whole lot of difference in your relationship.’

Keep Calm and Be Polite 

Usually, when we talk to anyone, we tend to not be rude and steer clear of expressing our real opinion if it isn't a good one. But things change a bit when it comes to our partner as often the politeness and curtsy we maintain for others vanish somehow. That's a problem as we take our partners for granted. In case you happen to not speak politely with your partner anymore, we would advise a step-back and a do-over. Start being nice to him and use very basic words like 'please' or 'thank you'. These may be mundane words but trust us; they will have a positive impact on your partner's brain and bring them closer to you!
Politeness is the key to function in a healthy relationship and 42.17 per cent of Gleeden users have affirmed the same. About 38.56 percent of them have said that staying calm in tough situations has helped their relationship to sail for years.
Shower Him with Compliments
Being together, especially for a very long time, we often get used to each other and forget to notice small things that we like about our partners. No matter what, if you think there is some special quality that you like about your partner or anything that you could make a nice comment about, just do it. Telling him he looks good when he dresses up or before going out can make him not just feel good about himself but even the relationship. After all, receiving compliments, especially from the person you love, tends to fill you up with good feelings.
Being complimented is something that is not only desired by women; even men crave it. About 39.46 per cent of Gleeden users think that saying good things to your partner makes him feel respected and it goes well for the individual as well as for the relationship.
We are sure there must be something you love about him or something that he does. Even in his appearance, it could be something simple or the most insignificant thing, but if you like it then let him know. He can't read your mind and certain things are anyway just too good to hear. Say, for instance, if your man brings you your favorite coffee in the morning, helps tidy up the house, or even simply grabs hold of your hand when you are out for a stroll, just tell him how much that means to you! If you say it, there's a chance he would do more of it and even better.
Use those 3 Magical Words
To say 'I love you' to someone is probably the hardest thing to do in the beginning. But after spending a lot of time together, it just easily comes out and one gets used to saying it even without really feeling it. So, when you say it, make sure you mean it from your heart and let him take notice of it. Make it real and meaningful, and you'll see the difference it brings to your relationship.
With passing time in a relationship, couples usually forget the importance of saying 'I love you' or other lovable things to their partners. Taking your better half for granted may have adverse effects on your relationship and this has been confirmed by about 40.48 per cent of Gleeden users. Interestingly, about 43.11 per cent of them say that they have sorted many unpleasant situations in their relationship just by saying 'I love you' to their better halves.
Summing Up
The best way to elevate your relationship is to be genuinely nice to your partner and letting him know the little things which can make him feel good. This will fill your relationship with more love and help you get more from your partner than you already do! Give it a try and be ready for the good things that will come your way!