What Does It Pay to be Mr.Nice Guy at Work?
Gentle and sweet guys may not be as good as the street-smart aggressive ones in drawing a better package in the job market.
Gentle and sweet guys may not be as good as the street-smart aggressive ones in drawing a better package in the job market.
If a recent research is to be believed, men with aggressive non-relenting personalities, which one may even find disagreeable at work, actually end up notching 18% more than the men with pleasing and amiable personalities.
The only consolation is that, even though the really nice guys may earn less than their not-so-nice counterparts, they do not finish last either. The fair sex is having it unfair here as well, for aggressive women earn only about 5% more than the not-so-aggressive women at the work place.
Organizations seem to have a rather partial outlook towards aggressive women. While organizations welcome aggression and stubbornness in men as a positive trait for career success, they feel quite the opposite about aggressive women. Infact, such women do not get recommended for promotions, the research revealed.
The study seemed to show that disagreeable men were perceived as strong leaders. Thus, men with disagreeable personalities earned 18.31 percent more than agreeable men. Disagreeable women earned 5.47 percent more than women with agreeable personalities.
Source: Medindia