The new SARS-like virus, known as coronavirus (NCoV), could be passed between humans who are in close contact, the World Health Organization revealed.

Cases have also been seen in Saudi Arabia and Jordan and have spread to Germany, the UK and France.
France's second confirmed case was a 50-year-old man, who shared a room in a hospital in Valenciennes, northern France, with a 65-year-old who fell ill with the virus after returning from Dubai, the BBC reported.
Novel coronavirus is from the same family of viruses like the one that caused an outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Sars) in 2003, however they both are different from each other.
Respiratory infections to both humans and animals can be caused by the novel coronavirus.
But it is not yet clear whether it is a mutated form of an existing virus or an infection in animals that made the jump to humans.