
Why Colon Cancer Strikes Younger Indians?

by Colleen Fleiss on Mar 25 2024 11:20 PM
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In India, most colorectal cancer cases are diagnosed at advanced stages due to limited screening facilities and low disease awareness among the population.

Why Colon Cancer Strikes Younger Indians?
In India, there is a notable increase in colon or colorectal cancer cases among young adults. This surge is attributed to delayed diagnoses, inadequate screening, and the adoption of a Western diet characterized by highly processed and calorie-rich foods (1 Trusted Source
The Incidence and Survival Rates of Colorectal Cancer in India Remain Low Compared With Rising Rates in East Asia

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“Many people do not have access to testing facilities or specialist doctors who do such procedures. Unlike Western nations, we do not have organized screening programmes in India. In addition, people tend to ignore red flag symptoms such as bleeding while moving bowels or get misdiagnosed as ’hemorrhoids’ or ‘piles’ by their doctor. Sometimes they go to local indigenous practitioners initially. As a result, they often present late,” said Dr Rajeev, a Kochi-based gastroenterologist.

A 2023 study by the Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) showed that from people above the age of 50, the incidence of colon cancer is now increasingly shifting to young adults between ages 31 to 40 years.

Rising Incidence of Young-Onset Colonic Cancer in India

“Young onset colonic cancer is now seen to be on the rise in our country. In fact, some recent statistics have shown that almost one-third of colonic cancer which is affecting the country in India is seen in the younger age group,” Dr. Amit Maydeo, Chairman of Institute of Gastro Sciences, Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, told IANS."

“And the main reason is that the youngsters are adopting more and more of a Western lifestyle and their food is also now a calorie-rich diet and more processed food,” he added. He also blamed habits like smoking and alcohol; obesity and inflammatory bowel disease as the reasons for the rise in colon cancer.

Dr Rajeev said that in developed nations colonoscopy has been the standard screening procedure. But in India, this is not widely accepted or practised.“We are not doing enough to prevent colorectal cancer in India. Waiting for symptoms to appear is the wrong approach, as many cases have no symptoms until late stages,” he lamented.

Family history and eating non-vegetarian have long been known as major risk factors. But Dr Rajeev told IANS that “contrary to popular belief, there are studies that show it is equally common among vegetarians. Although it is more likely to occur among someone with a family history of similar cancer, over 90 percent of cases have no known family history. Hence if we only look at these subsets of people, we will be missing the vast majority of colorectal cancers. A change in approach and mindset is required."

He also suggested offering “opportunistic screening colonoscopy to those who are interested in reducing their own individual risk of cancer,” starting from the age of 40.

  1. The Incidence and Survival Rates of Colorectal Cancer in India Remain Low Compared With Rising Rates in East Asia - (












