Within 40 Seconds, We Can Change A Teen's Attitude About Alcohol
A simple message that says alcohol is bad for health can alter the attitudes of teens about drinking.
The researchers tested 14-17-year-olds attitudes on alcohol use by creating an original script that depicted heavy drinking that led to positive or negative outcomes for the story's protagonist.
‘The view of teens about of alcohol are in flux and a short post-episode message can essentially wipe out the influence of seeing a whole TV episode which promotes alcohol intake.’
Participants exposed solely to the pro-alcohol episode had more positive attitudes about drinking. However, perceptions began to change when an epilogue that doubles as a public service announcement was attached to the episode.
"What you see on TV is not real," the pro-alcohol episode epilogue began. "In reality, alcohol changes your behavior in a bad way, it makes you do things you might regret."
Participants exposed to the epilogue reported more negative attitudes about drinking than those who saw the pro-alcohol episode without an epilogue.
"This is a hopeful outcome," Russell says of the findings. "It shows that teens' views of alcohol are in flux and that a short post-episode message can essentially wipe out the influence of seeing a whole TV episode where alcohol is shown with positive consequences."
The use of an epilogue after the anti-alcohol episode showed no impact on participant attitudes.
Russell says the results demonstrate the natural power of stories and that messages don't have to be driven home when negative consequences are a central theme.
"When stories convey a message that can be good for the audience to see, such as drinking leading to bad outcomes in the anti-alcohol TV episode, it's best to let it run its course and exert its subtle influence."
Source: Newswise