Men call it unfair, but for the fair sex, chocolate is more important than sex.
Men call it unfair, but for the fair sex, chocolate is more important than sex.
Recent research has revealed that more than 20 per cent of women confessed that it is easier to give up on sex than to give up on chocolates. Only 9% of the women surveyed said that it was tough to abstain from sex.
A survey of more than 2000 people pointed out that when it comes to giving things up for a month, 22 percent of the men said that sex would be the toughest to live without, as against only 9 percent of women.
Twenty-two per cent of women said chocolate is the toughest to give up and they would not like to forgo that for anything in the world, not even sex.
In a test of willpower, the general idea is that women are better off with staying on course to fulfill a purpose, whereas men are thought to be weak minded, lacking the will to control their urges.