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Cataract - Glossary

Medically Reviewed by dr. simi paknikar, MD on Aug 16, 2017


Congenital: Present since birth.

Toxoplasmosis: Infection with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii.

Muscular dystrophy: A disease with wasting of muscles and weakness, and in which muscles becomes do not relax after use.

Myopia: Refractive error in which parallel rays of light from infinity are focused in front of the retina when the accommodation is at rest.

Presbyopia: Physiological insufficiency of accommodation occurring in middle aged individuals.

Slit lamp: Iluminated biomicroscope which allows focal and slit examination of the eye.

Astigmatism: Different degrees of refraction in different meridians.

Hypermetropia: Refractive error in which parallel rays of light from infinity are focused behind the retina when the accommodation is at rest.

Macrophages: Large cells that ingest cellular and particulate matter.

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