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Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Sandhya Suresh, MBBS, MD (General Medicine), DNB on Nov 08, 2022

What is Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome?

Childhood nephrotic syndrome (NS) is a complex condition consisting of distinct subtypes of glomerular histopathology and clinical courses in children. It is also called 'Nephrosis' and occurs when tiny structures in the kidneys called glomeruli stop working properly(1). Most commonly it is a condition that causes the kidneys to leak large amounts of protein into the urine. These glomeruli filter blood and allow excess water and waste products to pass into the urine while serving as a barrier for the passage of substances which are essential for the body such as proteins. In nephrotic syndrome, these glomeruli become leaky and allow the passage of proteins like albumin into urine. This loss of protein leads to low protein levels in the blood and the many symptoms of nephrotic syndrome as described below.

Nephrotic syndrome is defined as massive proteinuria (>40 mg/m2/hr), hypoalbuminemia (<2.5 g/dL), edema, and hyperlipidemia in most of the cases. It occurs mostly in young children between the ages of 1 and 6 years, although children of all ages and even adults can get affected. It has been reported to show a prevalence of nearly 16 cases per 100 000 children(2).

What are the Causes of Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome?

The causes of Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome can be divided into three categories:

Primary Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome occurs without an identifiable cause such as infections, autoimmune diseases or drugs. Histologically, it mainly includes Minimal-change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) and Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) which are collectively called Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome(3). About 80% children suffering with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome show remission of proteinuria following treatment with corticosteroids, and are therefore, classified as steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome.

Minimal-change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) - In minimal change disease, there is damage to the glomeruli involved in urine formation. The damage is only visible under an electron microscope. It may be idiopathic or can be related to allergic reactions, use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), tumours, vaccinations (flu and pneumococcal) and viral infections. Many studies show that there is a high incidence of minimal change nephrotic syndrome in Asians(4).

Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis is described as scarring (sclerosis) in the kidney. Although it is much less common than MCD, it is increasing in incidence and can lead to permanent kidney damage(5).

Secondary Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome

This is caused by an underlying disease or infection that results in changes in kidney function. Some of the causes of secondary nephrotic syndrome include the following(2):

Congenital (Inherited) Nephrotic syndrome - It is a very rare form of nephrotic syndrome and develops shortly after birth affecting infants in the first 3 months of life. Most of these cases are related to genetic mutations. Mutations in the transmembrane protein known as nephrin cause congenital (Finnish-type) nephrotic syndrome(6).

What are the Risk Factors for Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome?

Childhood nephrotic syndrome occurs mostly in children between the ages of 1 and 6. Some of the risk factors include the following(7):

What are the Symptoms and Signs of Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome?

The signs and symptoms of childhood nephrotic syndrome include:

How do you Diagnose Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome?

Following parameters should be considered for diagnosing Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome:

How do you Treat Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome?

How do you Prevent Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome?

The only way to prevent nephrotic syndrome is to control the diseases that can cause kidney infection or damage. Upper respiratory tract infections are often triggers for relapse in children with frequent relapse of nephrotic syndrome and in such children, their doctor may prescribe a short course of steroids for 5-7 days during the infection to prevent relapse(16).

How to care of children with Nephrotic Syndrome?

Children who have nephrotic syndrome may need to make changes to their eating habits and limit their salt (sodium), fat and cholesterol intake(17). They should maintain a healthy lifestyle and clean habits to prevent infections. During steroid therapy, the parents and caretakers should be aware of the side effects of steroids such as weight gain, puffiness of face, increased bruisability of skin as well of increased risk of complications of infections such as measles and chickenpox. They should ensure as far as possible that their child's vaccination status is up-to-date prior to the onset of illness. During the illness, they should get the guidance from their doctor regarding which vaccinations are suitable and which are to be avoided during the treatment period. In case of fever in the child or contact with persons with measles or chicken pox, they should report to their doctor immediately to seek therapy. Parents and caretakers can also learn to monitor proteinuria by home dipstick testing to detect disappearance and reappearance of proteinuria.


  1. Nephrotic Syndrome in Children - (
  2. Nephrotic Syndrome - (
  3. Nephrotic Syndrome in Children: From Bench to Treatment - (
  4. Nephrotic syndrome in childhood - (
  5. Is there really an increase in non-minimal change nephrotic syndrome in children? - (
  6. Congenital nephrotic syndrome - (
  7. Risk factors for relapse in childhood nephrotic syndrome - (
  8. Nephrotic Syndrome: Oedema Formation and Its Treatment With Diuretics - (
  9. Disorders of lipid metabolism in nephrotic syndrome: mechanisms and consequences - (
  10. Management of childhood onset nephrotic syndrome - (
  11. Proteinuria - (
  12. Methodological evaluation and comparison of five urinary albumin measurements - (
  13. Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome - (
  14. Corticosteroid therapy for nephrotic syndrome in children- (
  15. Pediatric Immunization Practices in Nephrotic Syndrome: An Assessment of Provider and Parental Knowledge - (
  16. Steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome in children: triggers of relapse and evolving hypotheses on pathogenesis - (
  17. Nephrotic Syndrome in Children - (

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