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Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Cholesteatoma

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Lakshmi Venkataraman, MD on Apr 04, 2019

How do you Diagnose Cholesteatoma?

The doctor will first take a detailed medical history and do a complete physical checkup to know about your general health. The following tests are then performed:

How can you Treat Cholesteatoma?

How to Prevent Cholesteatoma?

Regular follow-ups after surgery are required to prevent cholesteatoma recurrence. Cholesteatomas can recur if they are not removed completely. Middle ear infections, chronic infections, allergies, injuries and sinus infections should be treated promptly so that the tympanic membrane and the Eustachian tubes are not affected. A cholesteatoma which is present since birth is usually detected later on in childhood and cannot be prevented.


  1. US department of health and human services- National institute of Health - Cholesteatoma - (
  2. How Long is Long Enough to Follow up Children After Cholesteatoma Surgery? - (
  3. An overview of chronic ear infections & cholesteatoma - (
  4. Types of Vestibular Disorders- cholesteatoma - (
  5. Chronic Otitis Media, Cholesteatoma and Mastoiditis - (
  6. What is a Cholesteatoma? - (

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