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Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Spinal Tumors

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Santhoshkumar, MBBS on Feb 14, 2019

How do you Diagnose Spinal Tumors?

The doctor will take your detailed medical history and ask you questions about your health, lifestyle and family medical history. Then the doctor will perform a thorough physical and neurological examination to determine which nerves have been affected.

A biopsy may be needed to diagnose the type of spinal tumor. Following radiological tests may be done to pinpoint and find out the extent of the spinal tumor.

How can you Treat Spinal Tumors?

The Treatment of spinal tumors includes both surgical and non surgical methods.

How to Manage & Prevent Spinal Tumors?

Since there are no known causes for spinal tumors, there is no way to protect against the spinal tumors. However avoiding exposure to radiation and general healthy habits such as eating healthy food, avoiding smoking may lower the risk in adults. The spinal tumor may be managed by:


  1. Tumors of the spine - (
  2. Pediatric tumors of the spine - (
  3. AANS Patients Neurosurgical Conditions and Treatments - Spinal Tumors - (
  4. American Cancer Society-What Are Adult Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors? - (
  5. The University of Texas- MD Anderson Cancer Center- Spinal Tumors - (
  6. U.S. National Library of Medicine- Spinal tumor - (

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    Dr. Sunita Chowdhary. 2019. Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Spinal Tumors. Medindia, viewed Sep 18, 2024,

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