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Encephalocele - Congenital Neural Tube Defect - Frequently Asked Questions

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Lakshmi Venkataraman, MD on Jun 19, 2018

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can a baby survive encephalocele?

Encephaloceles are not always fatal. Some babies survive. Encephaloceles with brain tissue in the sac and those present on the back side of the skull have a bad prognosis.

2. Is encephalocele genetic?

The exact reason is not known. It is observed in patients with family history of neural tube defects like spina bifida and anencephaly thus indicating a possible genetic involvement

3. What are the risks in pregnancy when the fetus has an encephalocele?

The risk of miscarriage is high. 21% of fetuses with encephalocele can only survive till birth. The chance of caesarean section is high when the head is large due to encephalocele.

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    Dr. Ravali Neerumalla. (2018, June 19). Encephalocele - Congenital Neural Tube Defect - Frequently Asked Questions. Medindia. Retrieved on Sep 07, 2024 from

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    Dr. Ravali Neerumalla. "Encephalocele - Congenital Neural Tube Defect - Frequently Asked Questions". Medindia. (accessed Sep 07, 2024).

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    Dr. Ravali Neerumalla. 2018. Encephalocele - Congenital Neural Tube Defect - Frequently Asked Questions. Medindia, viewed Sep 07, 2024,

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