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Human Papillomavirus Infection - Frequently Asked Questions

Medically Reviewed by The Medindia Medical Review Team on Jun 24, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which doctor should I consult for a Human Papillomavirus infection?

Depending on the location of your warts, you can consult a dermatologist, a podiatrist or someone who specializes in reproductive organs like a gynecologist or a urologist.

2. What could be the first signs I may experience of contracting HPV virus?

You may first experience warts on your skin or in the genital areas. Warts in the genital areas are painful and you should seek medical help to get topical creams.

3. What can I do to avoid HPV?

Delay your first sexual experience and do not go along with multiple sex partners. It is important to get vaccinated against HPV types 16 and 18 before your first sexual experience.

4. Can HPV be cured fully?

In normal people with strong immunity, the HPV virus usually clears on its own. However in people who have a compromised immunity, it may stay on in the body and manifest as cancers. There is no cure for the HPV virus per se but its manifestations like warts and cancers can be treated.

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    Dr. Namitha Kumar. 2022. Human Papillomavirus Infection - Frequently Asked Questions. Medindia, viewed Sep 28, 2024,

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