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AIDS/HIV - Epidemiology

Medically Reviewed by The Medindia Medical Review Team on Nov 12, 2014

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

"AIDS is an epidemic disease, a potentially preventable, deadly infection for which there is no cure, no vaccine, and it is not under control." -National Commission on AIDS, 1993

More than 40 million people worldwide, are infected with HIV/AIDS and more than 3.1 million AIDS-related deaths occurred worldwide each year. Women are more affected by the virus than men. The Incidence of AIDS is higher in South Africa and the World AIDS Day campaign (December 1st) is aimed to raise awareness about AIDS. AIDS is the clinical manifestations or disease symptoms occurring due to HIV infection. Immune compromised stage of the infected person manifests this end stage.

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    Dr. Reeja Tharu. 2014. AIDS/HIV - Epidemiology Terminology Infections. Medindia, viewed Sep 28, 2024,

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