Chicken pox - First Aid and Emergency Treatment Guide
What is Chicken Pox?
- Common childhood disease
- Infection mild in children
- Serious in infants/ adults
- Chances of recurrence present
- World-wide incidence
- Caused by virus, Varicella-Zoster
- Spreads through air & contact
- Contagious till blisters disappear
- Rashes all over body
- Fever
- Blisters
- Uncontrollable itching
- Pneumonia
- Brain damage in severe cases
- Take luke-warm baths
- Avoid aspirin
- Trim fingernails to avoid skin damage
- Drink cold fluids
- Acyclovir effectively treats chicken pox
- Fever treated with Acetaminophen/ibuprofen
- Consult a GP /child specialist if:
- Rashes involve eyes
- Fever is 103 �F or more
- Infection persists
- Infected person should remain home-bound
- Vaccination
- First dose given between 12-18 months
- Vaccination should not be given to:
- Those allergic to gelatin, neomycin
- Pregnant women
- The immuno-compromised