Heat Exhaustion - First Aid and Emergency Treatment Guide
- Heat exhaustion is a heat - related disorder
- Here, loss of fluids takes place
- This decreases blood flow to vital organs, leading to shock
- Heat exhaustion caused by excessive heat
- Increased by overexertion / sweating / hot, humid climate
Risk Factors
- Poor circulation
- Recurrent Illness
- Medications like diuretics / laxatives / anti histamines / anti depressants
- Young children and older people at risk, even when inactive
- Weakness / dizziness
- Headache / nausea
- Cold / moist skin
- Paleness
- Dry tongue / thirst
- Vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Excessive sweating
- Rapid / weak heart beat
- Fast / shallow breathing
- Muscle fatigue
- Cramps
a) Cooling the body
- Remove the person to a shady place
- Loosen tight-fitting clothing
- Remove extra clothes
- Cool the person by sponging with wet cloth / towel
- Give fluids like sports drink / fruit or vegetable juices
- Water containing electrolytes may be given
- Give fluid every 15-20 minutes
- Avoid coffee and alcohol
Consult A Doctor
- If the symptoms don't clear up in 30 minutes
- Physical collapse
- Loss of consciousness
- Do not indulge in drunken driving
- Practice safe methods while driving / sporting / other activities
- Always follow safety rules
- Supervise the activities of children