
Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited - Health Companion - Individual - Variant 3

Health Companion - Individual - Variant 3

Sum Insured Options of Rs 15 Lakh, Rs 20 Lakh, Rs 30 Lakh, Rs 50 Lakh & Rs 1 Crore

Top Up with Annual Aggregate Deductible Option of Rs 1 Lakh, Rs 2 Lakh, Rs 3 Lakh, Rs 4 Lakh, Rs 5 Lakh & Rs 10 Lakh

In-patient Care (Hospitalisation)

Max Bupa covers cost of medical treatment when you or your insured family members are hospitalized for treatment.

Hospital Accommodation

Max Bupa covers cost of all types of hospital accommodation without any capping on room rent charges.

Pre & Post Hospitalization Medical Expenses

Max Bupa shall reimburse medical expenses incurred due to illness. The period of the treatment, which Max Bupa will cover, should be 30 days before you get admitted to a hospital and 60 days after you get discharged from the Hospital. This is subject to Max Bupa accepting the Inpatient Care hospitalization claim.


All day care treatments covered

Max Bupa covers all day care treatments, not a select few. However, such a procedure should not be in the outpatient department of a hospital.

Refill Benefit

In case you have exhausted your Base Sum Insured and No Claim Bonus partially or completely, under this benefit, you are entitled for an additional sum insured equal to the base sum insured for a subsequent claim in the same year, provided it is for an unrelated illness.

AYUSH In-patient

Avail In-patient treatment under AYUSH (Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) up to the base sum insured


Renewal Benefit

You would be entitled to both the benefits as renewal benefit:

  • No Claim Bonus

Increase in Sum Insured @20% of Base Sum Insured subject to the maximum of 100% of Base Sum Insured for each claim free year with no penalization in case of claim

  • Complementary Health Check up

Avail complementary Heath Check up for yourself and your family once in a year so that you live a healthier and happier life

2 year Policy Tenure Option

When you take a policy for two years, you get 12.5% discount on the second year premium.


Hospital Cash (Optional) Rs 4,000/day

A lumpsum payment for each 24 hours of hospitalization in addition to the in-patient treatment benefits is made. This benefit is over and above the sum insured. The benefit is payable for up to 30 days of hospitalization.

Emergency Ambulance

Max Bupa also covers the ambulance expenses to transfer the policyholder following an emergency to the nearest hospital. These expenses are paid only if Max Bupa has accepted the In-patient claim.

Organ Transplant

Medical Expenses for an organ donor’s treatment for the harvesting of the organ donated is also covered.

Domiciliary Treatment

In case a bed in the hospital is unavailable or on advice of the attending medical practitioner, treatment is administered at home; Max Bupa pays for medical treatment taken at home, which would otherwise have required hospitalization.

Vaccination in case of animal bite

Max Bupa will covers Medical Expenses of OPD Treatment for vaccinations or immunizations for treatment post an animal bite. This benefit is available only on reimbursement basis and up to Rs.7,500.

Tiered Network Option

Zone 1: Delhi/NCR, Mumbai(inc. Thane City and Navi Mumbai), Bengaluru, Chennai, Surat, Pune, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Ahmedabad

Zone 2: Rest of India

If you reside at any location in India outside Zone 1, you get the option to choose Tiered network option.

Choosing this option will provide you cashless facility in Zone 2 cities but only reimbursement facility in Zone 1 cities with 20% copayment.

This further provides a 10% discount for your premium calculation.

Any Age enrollment

Max Bupa covers families across life stages – from new born to senior citizens of any age. There is no maximum age for enrollment.

Tax Benefit

You will save tax under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act when you buy a Max Bupa health insurance policy. Tax benefits are subject to changes in the tax laws, please consult your tax advisor for more details.

Assured Policy Renewal for Life

Once insured with us, you will always remain customers subject to continued payment of premium. Max Bupa assures you renewability for life with no extra loadings based on your claim history.

Direct Claim Settlement

Max Bupa believes you should focus on the treatment of your loved ones rather than running after claim settlement. Therefore, all claims are processed directly by our own customer services team.

Cashless Facility

You can access cashless facility at your nearest network hospital.

Free Look Period

Max Bupa endeavors for transparency and complete satisfaction and therefore, policies are transparent and easy to understand. If you are not satisfied, Max Bupa provides a 15-day free look period within which you can cancel your plan stating the reason.

Information at your fingertips

As a Max Bupa Policy holder you can access your details on Max Bupa website containing your claims history, your favorite health information, your health profile, including records of tests you may have taken while enrolling with us.











